Keystone Industrial Port Complex: Site Tour and the story behind the evolution from brownfield to world class industrial complex
USS Real Estate | 1 Ben Fairless Drive, Fairless Hills PA
Thursday August 11, 2016
Dennis Jones, Regional Manager US Steel
Phil Eastman, Economic and Business Development PECO
Jack Thompson, Covanta Metals Management
Sanchin Shanker, P.E., PADEP
3:30 pm Site Tour: bus tour of the 2,500 acre site
4:30 pm Networking
5:00 pm Presentations
6:00 pm Site Tour: repeat of earlier tour for guests who arrive later
Note: Registration for the early bus tour is 3:00 PM, with the bus leaving at 3:30 PM. For those joining us for the second tour, please plan to arrive at 4:30 PM for the networking reception, followed by presentations at 5:00 PM. The second bus tour will depart at 6:00 PM.

If you want to learn more about brownfield development, or the possibilities at this site, please join us.
The Keystone Industrial Port Complex (KIPC) has been revitalized through a collaborative effort by US Steel, US EPA, Pennsylvania leadership, & regulatory agencies including PA DEP. The site is now home to a suite of industrial companies, including Osstem, AE Polysilicon, USS Galvanize, Toll Brothers, Dominion Fairless Energy.
This is a site where trash is transformed into energy: Waste Management operates a landfill gas to power plant. Covanta operates a metals processing facility (and soon will add a second facility) that receives and processes scrap metals recovered from the energy from waste (trash to steam) facilities. This site sits alongside the Delaware River, with access to major highways and the northern most docks on the Delaware, 75 miles of internal rail lines that connect to class I rail, and a world class energy system.
Cost and Registration: $20 for BCONE Private Sector Individual and Corporate Members; Free for BCONE Municipal/Regulator/Academia/Non-Profit Members; $45 for non-members.